Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal Pain
Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal Pain Joint aches, back aches, muscle aches, ouch. Unfortunately it's all too common as we age. But not only then, these occur with an illness or overusing a particular muscle group, life long stress. I'm particularly well placed to talk...
Homeopathic remedies can reduce the severity of flu symptoms
Homeopathic remedies can reduce the severity of flu symptoms The nasty flu virus is doing its rounds again, the one this year is particularly tenacious. However the good news is homeopathic remedies can definitely reduce the severity and duration of the symptoms. If...
Homeopathic Remedies that will help you through Christmas
Homeopathic remedies that will help you through Christmas Christmas is on the doorstep. And so are the challenges that go with it. All that stress. All that cooking. Maybe we are thrown together with people we don't really care for. The over indulgence, too much...
Homeopathy – guiding you to the very best of yourself.
Homeopathy - guiding you to the very best of yourself. I worship homeopathy. This life changing, natural method of healing. My own journey began in the aftermath of a problematic pregnancy and emergency C section, and my motivation was to protect my precious baby....
A Homeopathic Journey from Anxiety to a more Peaceful Existence
A Homeopathic Journey from Anxiety to a more Peaceful Existence It is just extraordinary how fear and anxiety can literally rule our lives, and often we are not even aware of this. In fact, all negative emotions or negative actions stem from fear. And if you think...
We are literally drowning in Artificial Intelligence
We are literally drowning in Artificial Intelligence In our fast growing world we are literally drowning in Artificial Intelligence created information. It is increasingly difficult to sort out what is real and what is AI generated. Yet we human beings, mind, body and...