Are You Struggling through Heartache and Loneliness?

This time of the year, around the holiday season and all the ‘flatness’ of it afterwards, coupled with the still short days is especially trying for those who recently, (or perhaps not so recently) have been through a breakup. Struggling through heartache and loneliness.

I remember well such period way back in my own life. Lying down because even my body was aching with grief, listening on the radio to the narration of the then new first Harry Potter book. Long hours of it to fill in the painful dragging on time.

It was the Christmas break at uni during the first year of my homeopathic studies. Still a beginner I have not yet had the experience of the immense power these remedies can have towards aligning us to ways of rebalancing our emotions. I am still in awe daily, as to the efficiency of this simple, natural, elegant method of healing.

You are in amidst the turmoil, the pain of ending a relationship, yet I can honestly say with wonderful homeopathic aid you may find, the best times are yet to come.